Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Cubic Transportation Systems is laying off more employees in an effort, it says, to “become leaner.” Also: SEPTA short list likely includes Accenture, but Conduent may be out; Montreal authority believed to have received a disappointing response to its RFP.

Key Data:

• Document: Email message from Cubic President Peter Torrellas, April 11, 2024

Organizations Mentioned:

• Cubic
• SEPTA (Philadelphia)
• Conduent
• Accenture
• Metrolinx (Toronto)
• ARTM (Montreal)
• Spirtech
• Almaviva

Cubic Transportation Systems is laying off more employees in an effort, it says, to “become leaner and more responsive” to the market, Mobility Payments has learned.

The U.S.-based vendor, the largest fare-system supplier globally, already laid off more than 200 employees last summer. The latest round of layoffs is expected to be smaller than this previous one.

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