Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Polish transit authority ZTM plans pay operational fees only–no capex–to the winning vendor of its planned account-based ticketing project, including for the vendor to furnish thousands of validators. It’s at least the second agency to use the unconventional procurement method.

Key Data:

Table: Prequalified vendors in Poland

Organizations Mentioned:

• ZTM (Warsaw)
• Conduent
• Cubic
• Elavon
• AVM (Venice)
• Pluservice
• Nexi
• Flowbird
• ARTM (Montreal)

Another transit agency has opted for an unconventional approach to procuring its new fare system, planning to hire a vendor to run the entire system-including furnishing thousands of validators–in exchange for a fixed service fee and a commission on monthly ticketing revenue.

Polish transit agency ZTM is following another agency in this approach, AVM in Venice, Italy, which a

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