Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Danish officials have an ambitious plan to practically replace the much-used closed-loop ticketing card, Rejsekort, with a nearly hands-free mobile-ticketing app. The project is perhaps not going as smoothly as expected. Besides overcoming competing apps and customer habit, officials have to deal with a long-standing vendor protest from Cubic Transportation Systems.

Key Data:

Table: Denmark’s Two Tenders

• Chart: vendor technical scores

Table: Ranking for Tender No. 1

Organizations Mentioned:

• RKRP (Denmark)
• Cubic
• Thales RCS
• Fairtiq
• HaCon
• Netcompany
• Trifork
• DSB (Denmark)
• Copenhagen Metro
• Movia (Denmark)

Among the most anticipated fare projects globally is a nationwide mobile-ticketing service planned by Danish government officials, who hope to greatly reduce or even eliminate use of the country’s much-used physical closed-loop card, Rejsekort.

The ticketing system in Denmark is complex and the national ticketing card has been in place for more than

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