Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

U.S.-based Genfare has won a procurement by Miami-Dade County to provide nearly 1,000 fare boxes, as well as hundreds of ticket-vending machines and fare gates. A second RFP by the agency would overhaul most of the rest of the fare system.

Key Data:

Document: Evaluation score sheet

Table: Scoring and ranking of bidders

Organizations Mentioned:

• Miami-Dade Transit
• Genfare
• Scheidt & Bachmann
• Vix Technology

U.S.-based Genfare appears set to receive an approximately $65 million contract from Miami-Dade County, Fla., after beating out three other vendors to supply new fare boxes, ticket-vending machines and transit gates for the county’s fare-collection system, Mobility Payments has learned.

Genfare, the incumbent supplier of fare boxes for Miami-Dade Transit’s 850 buses, outscored

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