Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

In a rare step, the Complaints Board for Public Procurement in Denmark cancelled one of two contracts for development of a nationwide mobile-ticketing app. The move followed an appeal by one of the unsuccessful vendors bidding on the project, Cubic Transportation Systems. A second contract remains in force and rollout of the service continues.

Key Data:

Table: Technical scores for the disputed procurement

Organizations Mentioned:

• RKRP (Denmark)
• Cubic
• Fairtiq
• Hacon
• Netcompany

Denmark’s Complaints Board for Public Procurement took the rare step of annulling a contract approved by a public agency, after Cubic Transportation Systems alleged unfair treatment and a lack of transparency by the country’s national ticketing-system provider.

Believed to be a long shot by some, Cubic’s appeal convinced the complaints board on three of its claims, in which the U.S.-based vendor contended that evaluators had erred in grading competing

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