Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

New York’s MTA removed one of the last parts of the OMNY fare system rollout from vendor Cubic’s contract. The work, which would have extended OMNY to MTA’s large commuter rail operators, would have taken Cubic at least until 2027 to complete–too long, according to the agency. MTA instead hired two other vendors with sole-source contracts: Masabi and Schedit & Bachmann.

Key Data:

Documents: Procurement summaries for Cubic contract modification and sole-source contract upgrades for Masabi and Scheidt & Bachmann

Table: Scheidt & Bachmann contract upgrade, fees and costs

Table: Masabi contract upgrade, fees and costs

Table: OMNY completed tasks, deliverables for 2024 and 2025

Organizations Mentioned:

• MTA (New York)
• Cubic
• Masabi
• Scheidt & Bachmann
• LA Metro
• MTC (San Francisco)
• MBTA (Boston)

New York transit authority MTA today took a key part of its high-profile OMNY fare system away from its main technology vendor, Cubic Transportation Systems, as it seeks to complete OMNY over the next 18 months.

The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority today gave final approval to a proposal to modify

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