Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Check-in/be-out, or CIBO, systems, are being tried by some transit agencies, particularly in Europe, as they seek to offer hands-free convenience to riders. Agencies need measures to deter fraud if they launch these systems.

Key Data:

Three months after launch, the YANiQ app had received 3,600 downloads across the Android and iOS platforms, the agency reported in late February 2021.

Organizations Mentioned:

• Stadtwerke Osnabrück
• eos.uptrade

Despite the growing popularity of contactless, NFC and QR-code technologies for electronic fare-collection systems, some transit agencies are experimenting with other technologies to collect fares. That includes Germany’s Stadtwerke Osnabrück, which launched the first check-in/be-out system in the country last October in the city of Osnabrück.

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