Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Despite significant costs for handling cash, very few transit agencies in the U.S. have eliminated cash from their fare-collection systems. But the head of one small bus agency in South Carolina, which recently launched open-loop payments, says he plans to try. He has a long way to go.

Key Data:

As Mobility Payments reported earlier this year, Visa quietly lowered interchange for regulated debit card transactions under $5. This is a card type that hits transit agencies especially hard because they must pay a fixed fee of $0.21 plus $0.01, or $0.22, on each of their low-value fare transactions.

Despite significant costs for handling cash, very few transit agencies in the U.S. have eliminated cash from their fare-collection systems. But the head of one small bus agency in South Carolina, which recently launched open-loop payments, says he plans to try.

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