Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

The much-anticipated nationwide open-loop project in New Zealand is running behind schedule. While national transport officials promise an initial launch by late this year, outside of a small, remote pilot, that appears unlikely.

Key Data:

Auckland Transport was a holdout, and as part of the deal for it to join the NTS, the national government agreed to allow AT to pursue its (interim) open-loop rollout with Thales, at a capital cost of around NZ$23 million (US$14.2 million).

Organizations Mentioned:

• NZTA/Waka Kotahi
• Auckland Transport
• Cubic
• Thales
• Hitachi Rail

New Zealand’s much-anticipated nationwide open-loop fare system is believed to be running beyond schedule, with officials unlikely to hit project deadlines, including any substantive initial launch this year, Mobility Payments has learned.

The project, known as the National Ticketing Solution, or NTS, is beset by challenges. Most notably,

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