Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

An in-depth look at INIT’s upset win over incumbent Cubic for a key U.S. fare-system procurement. Document review by Mobility Payments shows Cubic fell behind on technical points by a small margin in the second round and did not recover.

Key Data:

• Table: First-Round Score

• Table: Final-Round Score

• Graph: Price Bids, Five Vendors

• Table: Final Prices, INIT and Cubic

• Table: Cubic and INIT financial figures

• Document: Final Cubic Evaluator Scores

• Document: Final INIT Evaluator Scores

Organizations Mentioned:

• MARTA (Atlanta)
• Cubic
• Flowbird
• Indra
• Masabi
• Kontron

Large fare-system supplier Cubic Transportation Systems was ahead on points over second-ranked vendor INIT after the first round of competition last summer for a contract to provide the Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority with a completely new fare system, records obtained by Mobility Payments show.

MARTA short-listed the two vendors, then Cubic and INIT did their oral presentations in front of

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