Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Ireland’s National Transport Authority plans to make an announcement Monday about its large contract for an account-based ticketing system featuring open-loop payments. Spain’s Indra Systems is believed to have submitted the low bid among three short-listed suppliers.

Key Data:

NTA said in tender documents in 2020 that capex could amount to €440 million (US$468.8 million) and opex could reach €1.2 billion (US$1.28 billion) over 10 years. An extension for a second 10 years was an option.

Organizations Mentioned:

• NTA (Ireland)
• Indra
• Cubic
• Conduent
• Ridango
• Scheidt & Bachmann

Ireland’s National Transport Authority has pushed back the long-anticipated announcement of its large fare-system contract once again, but this time only until Monday.

The announcement, presumed to be the winner of the long-delayed contract for a nationwide account-based ticketing system featuring open-loop payments, was earlier set to happen this week.

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