Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Cubic topped rival Indra on technical points, though still lost a big contract to provide a nationwide next-generation ticketing system to the National Transport Authority in Ireland. The loss comes at a time when Cubic is reorganizing, seeking to increase profits and cut debt.

Key Data:

NTA had estimated that the next-generation ticketing project would cost between €260 million and €440 million for capex. Opex would amount to between €800 million and €1.2 billion over the first 10 years. There would be an option for an extension to a second 10 years, making the maximum potential contract just under €2.8 billion. That looks like it was an overestimation.

Organizations Mentioned:

• NTA (Ireland)
• Cubic
• Indra
• Conduent
• Veritas Capital

Cubic Transportation Systems has confirmed that it topped the winning vendor, Spain-based Indra, on technical points in the recent competition for the large next-generation ticketing system contract in Ireland, Mobility Payments has learned.

The contract award secured by Indra is worth €243.6 million (US$260.1 million), according to an official

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