Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Athens transport operator OASA plans to roll out open-loop payments across its network by the end of 2024, after launching a pilot last month. It’s the latest European capital to support open loop–with a twist: OASA is enabling open loop by retrofitting its 8,000 validators with secure-access modules developed in part by Visa.

Key Data:

Fact box: OASA Open-Loop Project Profile

Organizations Mentioned:

• OASA (Athens)
• Visa
• TransLink (Vancouver)
• ATM (Barcelona)
• AEMUS (Lima)
• Planeta Informática
• Littlepay
• Comercia Global Payments
• Smarting
• Cybersource
• Asis

Transport operator OASA is set to make Athens the latest European capital to roll out open-loop payments, joining London, Rome, Madrid, Amsterdam and Stockholm, along with a number of other major cities in Europe–but with a difference.

OASA is not replacing its 8,000 validators to accept credit and debit cards and card credentials in NFC

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