Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Cubic Transportation Systems has hired another outsider as it seeks a new direction for the company.

Key Data:

Cubic Corp.’s lead venture capital owner, Veritas, is seen to be eager to prep Cubic for a sale. The firm, along with Evergreen Coast Capital, bought Cubic Corp. for $3 billion in 2021.

Organizations Mentioned:

Veritas Capital
MTA (New York)
TfL (London
TfNSW (Sydney)
• Tusk Strategies

Cubic Transportation Systems has hired another transit fare-industry outsider to fill a senior leadership role, as the struggling U.S.-based vendor seeks to turn its fortunes around.

Stephen Caldwell, formerly of large Dallas-based business and technology consulting firm Pariveda, who describes himself as a “problem solver,” started work Monday as chief digital officer for Cubic.

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