Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Transport for New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, is expected to release its requests for tenders in coming months for its large Opal Next Generation fare system. The RFPs (there could be more than one) are late. The agency plans a modular procurement emphasizing open-loop payments.

Key Data:

Document: RFI from Transport for NSW, July 2023

Organizations Mentioned:

• TfNSW (Sydney)
• Cubic

Update: A long-awaited request for proposal for the major Opal Next Generation project from Sydney authority Transport for New South Wales is now expected “around the middle of 2024,” an agency spokeswoman told Mobility Payments. That will be two years after officials first announced the project.

The spokeswoman said the agency still expects to keep the project within the original budget estimate of just under AU$568 million (US$374.6 million). End update.

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