TIP SHEET: Vix and Kuba Ready to Merge? Also: Czech Vendor Wins in Sweden; Overhaul in Miami; Singapore ABT Update; Masabi Contract Expected

Miami-Dade Transit-phone at terminal
For several industry observers, the naming earlier this month of Kuba CEO Aaron Ross to also lead Vix Technology–replacing former Vix chief David Maitland–looks at lot like the start of an unannounced Vix-Kuba merger. Vix and Kuba are already sister...

Masabi Seeks to Expand Beyond Mobile Ticketing and to Sign Up Large Agencies, Stoking More Competition with Suppliers Like Cubic

UK-based software-as-a-service ticketing provider Masabi said it is targeting large transit agencies in the U.S. and beyond, seeking to sell the agencies on plugging into its SaaS platform rather than building what Masabi contends are expensive and often...