Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Vix CEO dismisses talk of a Vix-Kuba merger. Also:

• South Korean fare-collection company to roll out hands-free ticketing.

• Use of NFC wallets surpasses cards for open loop in London.

• Miami-Dade expected to release second tender request soon.

Key Data:

The 50%-plus use of NFC wallets by London commuters is up from around a quarter of contactless journeys from wallets in the fall of 2021.

Organizations Mentioned:

• Vix Technology
• Kuba
• Tmoney
• Incheon Subway
• Seoul Metro
• TfL (London)
• DTPW (Miami)
• Genfare

Vix Technology CEO Aaron Ross told Mobility Payments that even though he will continue to head up both Vix and Kuba and that the two fare vendors share a private equity owner and have a close working relationship, there are no plans for the companies to merge.

That echoes comments last month from Ross’ boss, Steve Gallagher, chairman of both Vix and private

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