Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Danish fare-collection company RKRP plans to launch a pilot of its planned nationwide mobile-ticketing system sometime this year, though can’t say exactly when or how long the rollout will take. It plans to replace its much-used closed-loop card, Rejsekort, with the app and will offer a new card along with open-loop payments for customers who can’t or won’t use the new app.

Key Data:

Table: Denmark–Two Framework Agreements

Organizations Mentioned:
  • RKRP (Denmark)
  • DSB (Denmark)
  • Copenhagen Metro
  • Movia (Denmark)
  • Fairtiq

Danish fare-collection company Rejsekort & Rejseplan, or RKRP, plans to launch a pilot of its high-profile nationwide mobile-ticketing service sometime in 2024 and will offer open-loop payments to customers who cannot or will not use the new mobile service, RKRP CEO Kasper Schmidt said Wednesday.

Schmidt told Mobility Payments he could not say exactly when his company’s pay-as-you-go mobile-

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