Article Highlights
The head of fare-systems supplier Thales RCS confirmed that there will be a “continuity” of operations for the vendor after Hitachi Rail completes its acquisition of Thales Ground Transportation Systems, of which RCS is a part.
Hitachi Rail’s €1.7 billion (US$1.8 billion) acquisition of Thales Ground Transportation Systems, which includes the Thales RCS fare unit, is expected to close by the end of the summer.
• Thales RCS
• Hitachi Rail
• Cubic
• Conduent
• Indra
• Vix Technology
The head of fare-systems supplier Thales RCS confirmed that there will be a “continuity” of operations for the vendor after Hitachi Rail completes its acquisition of Thales Ground Transportation Systems, of which RCS is a part.
Jean-Marc Reynaud, CEO of Thales Revenue Collection Systems, told Mobility Payments that the €1.7 billion