Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Large South Korean fare-collection company Tmoney is seeking to deploy new hands-free mobility ticketing in busy metro stations. But it remains to be seen if it can sell transit operators and riders on the technology.

Key Data:

Diagram: How Tmoney’s tagless ticketing works at gates.

Organizations Mentioned:

• Tmoney
• Seoul Metro
• Incheon Subway
• LTA (Singapore)
• Rejsekort & Rejseplan
• Fairtiq

South Korean fare-collection and e-purse scheme Tmoney has implemented hands-free mobile ticketing on one gated light-rail line in Seoul. Can it win over other transit operators and, more importantly, riders who have been tapping its contactless cards for years?

All of that remains to be seen for Tmoney and its ambitious plan to deploy its be-in/be-out (BIBO)

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