Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Danish transport officials have issued a tender request for new validators for customers who cannot or will not use national mobile-ticketing apps intended to replace Denmark’s closed-loop card, Rejsekort. The officials predict up to 90% of customers will make the switch. Some observers have their doubts that adoption of the app will be this high.

Key Data:

Document: One of main tender-request documents

Organizations Mentioned:

• RKRP (Denmark)
• DSB (Denmark)
• Movia (Denmark)
• Copenhagen Metro
• Fairtiq
• Cubic
• Netcompany
• Thales RCS

Danish transport officials this week issued a tender request for vendors to supply validators to accept prepaid closed-loop cards and open-loop payments from customers who cannot or will not use the country’s nationwide mobile-ticketing apps.

The tender request, issued Tuesday, would enable national transport-ticketing company Rejsekort &

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