Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, or MBTA, in Boston recently approved another contract with Scheidt & Bachmann, as it seeks to extend the life of its existing fare-collection system until a delayed new fare system from Cubic Transportation Systems arrives.

Key Data:

This “reset” the Cubic project, with the parties agreeing to increase the contract cost by nearly 30% to just over $935 million and to add two more years to the rollout schedule–all in the hopes of getting the project back on track.

Organizations Mentioned:

MBTA (Boston)
Scheidt & Bachmann

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, or MBTA, in Boston recently approved another contract with Scheidt & Bachmann, as it seeks to extend the life of its existing fare-collection system until a delayed new fare system from Cubic Transportation Systems arrives.

The MBTA board unanimously approved a $51 million contract with Scheidt & Bachmann, longtime vendor of the agency’s closed-loop CharlieCard program.

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