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U.S.-based Passport Labs confirmed that it will shut down its mobile transit-ticketing business and end all support for its platform at the end of this year, as it quietly exits the ticketing market segment. The venture-capital funded company will continue its focus on building its parking app business.
Passport has provided mobile transit ticketing to such large and mid-tier U.S. cities as Jacksonville, FL; Charlotte, NC; Miami, FL; Tucson, AZ; Albuquerque, NM; Cleveland, OH; Sacramento, CA; Cincinnati, OH; Salt Lake City, UT; and Columbia, SC.
• Passport Labs
• GRTA (Cleveland)
• UTA (Utah)
• JTA (Jacksonville)
• Masabi
U.S.-based Passport Labs confirmed that it will shut down its mobile transit-ticketing business and end all support for its platform at the end of this year, as it quietly exits the ticketing market segment.